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The Blessings Of The Holy Month Ramadan Kareem 2024

The Blessings Of The Holy Month Ramadan Kareem 2024

Ramadan, a sacred month brimming with divine mercy and Allah’s benevolence, offers Muslims a unique gift of lifelong memories of suhur, Iftar, Taraweeh, and vibrant masjid gatherings.

This blessed period is a season of forgiveness, where the faithful are blessed with divine favors if they spend their days and nights in worship, Quran recitation, and remembrance of Allah.

Wasting this precious month is a significant loss, depriving one of promised blessings and forgiveness. Therefore, it's crucial to seize the opportunity and perform numerous good deeds.

Here are 12 pieces of advice on how to make the most of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak:

1. Recite a quarter of a juz of the Holy Quran after each of the five daily prayers to complete the Quran by the end of the month.

2. Strive to attend every Taraweeh prayer to earn the blessings of completing another Quran recitation.

3. Wake up for Tahajjud prayer after suhur, as it's easily attainable during Ramadan and highly rewarding.

4. Increase blessings by sending Salat upon the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم when coming to or leaving from Salah.

5. If possible, engage in Iʿtikāf for the entire month or at least the final ten days to intensify worship, especially on the odd nights.

6. Allocate time for reading and studying religious knowledge, seeking guidance from Sunni scholars or educational channels.

7. Seize the golden opportunity of making duʿā at iftar time, as it's a moment when supplications are readily accepted.

8. Give charity daily to ward off calamities and earn blessings.

9. Minimize phone usage and focus on productive activities instead of excessive internet surfing.

10. Support orphans and the less fortunate during Eid preparations.

11. Exhibit exemplary conduct towards family members, especially during Ramadan, to earn abundant rewards.

12. Schedule time for worship, maintain a balance in suhur and iftar meals and avoid unhealthy foods.

May Allah preserve and guide us all to truly cherish and benefit from the blessings of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak.

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