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Senate votes on a resolution to outlaw all popular social media sites, including YouTube, Instagram, and X

 Senate votes on a resolution to outlaw all popular social media sites, including YouTube, Instagram, and X

  • The resolution to ban major social platforms in Pakistan, including Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube, has sparked a heated debate in the Senate. Senator Bahramand Khan Tangi, who was recently expelled from the PPP, is at the forefront of this initiative. 
  • The resolution aims to protect the young generation from what it deems as the "negative and devastating effects" of these platforms.
  • Tangi's expulsion from the PPP has not deterred him from pursuing this resolution. He claims that these digital platforms are promoting norms that are against the country's religion and culture. 
  • The resolution also accuses these platforms of creating hatred among people based on language and religion.
  • The resolution argues that these platforms are being used to spread malicious propaganda against the armed forces, which is detrimental to the country's interests. 
  • It also claims that vested interests are using these platforms to spread fake news and promote fake leadership, deceiving the young generation.
  • Supporters of the resolution argue that it is necessary to protect the young generation from harmful content. 
  • They also stress the importance of preserving cultural and religious values. Additionally, they believe that social media platforms can be used for negative purposes and should be regulated accordingly.
  • Opponents of the resolution raise concerns about freedom of speech and expression. They also worry about the impact of the ban on businesses and individuals who rely on these platforms for their livelihood. 
  • Some suggest that alternative solutions should be explored to address the issues raised by the resolution.
  • The Senate has included the resolution in its agenda for debate. The outcome of this debate remains uncertain, but it could have significant implications for social media regulation in Pakistan. 
  • Regardless of the resolution's fate, the issue of social media regulation is likely to remain a topic of discussion in the country.
  • The resolution to ban major social platforms in Pakistan has brought to light the complex issues surrounding social media regulation. 
  • While there are valid concerns about the negative effects of these platforms, there are also concerns about the potential impact of a ban on freedom of speech and expression. 
  • Moving forward, it is essential to find a balance between protecting the young generation and preserving fundamental rights.

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